Why You Should Encourage Art & Musical Expression in Your Child or Student with Selective Mutism?
Success in art and music is an excellent self-esteem booster and can help the child feel special.
Playing an instrument or doing an art project is comforting and helps a child to feel more relaxed in a tense situation.
A teacher can use the child’s art/music piece as a means of talking to the child and complimenting their efforts.
Creative expression can be used as a communication device. For instance, when the teacher asks the child a question, the child with SM can draw his or her answer or play notes that represent certain words.
Art and music activities can foster comfort and peer relationships by pairing the child with other children who love art. Having shared interests is a wonderful way to build social comfort and relationships with peers.
Children with SM tend to be more creative in their learning. It is assumed that the child with SM is not able to express him or herself verbally, so instead finds other means of expression, such as music, art, or writing.
An atmosphere where a child can learn by experimenting and touching, rather than sequential or pure rote memory is ideal for anxious children.
Hands-on learning can distract anxious children by allowing them to focus on the activity rather than their inner feelings.